Friday, May 27, 2011


a fortnight and seventy years ago, i created this thing. and by fortnight I mean, 8 months. and by seventy years, i mean two. take that math blaster.

As followers know, I'm not really into the typing-blog deal; but rather vlogs - and have been slacking on those cuz of missions support raising for Eastern Mennonite Missions. If you have any questions about that, i'd be more than happy to let you know.

Skype: just search my name, should come up
email: should be on the profile page dealy over ------------------------> there

I know. random post. but hey. it is me. and randomness comes with the territory. off to dream of chipmunks overtaking the moon. :P

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

INVICTUS Road Trip Edition!!

Okay so it's taken me forever to get this up here...but here it is!

Monday, October 18, 2010

INVICTUS 18.october.2010

IT LIVES! ...again. :-D odd how october makes these things appear...especially the end of october, no? In any case, grab a snack from your nearest keebler elf on me! :-D

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Okay folks! We have become what the french would call, a giant loch ness monster - only in french. The Hostel has now premiered on Youtube, and has even spawned itself a few webisodes, the first of which I am eagerly ready to post right here - right now. FACT: The 5-minute long short is delightfully random while maintaining our *distinct* style. Please enjoy the Hostel Webisode 1: Tin Foil!

P.S. I'll be back on early next week for the next blog video! keep your eyes peeled, though not with a potato peeler. that would be bad news bears - as in gigantic menacing bears. Enjoy and have a great weekend! ~K-RIZZLE

Thursday, November 5, 2009

VIDEO BLOG: 04.11.2009

HEY ALL YOU PEOPLE OUT THERE IN INTERNET LAND! welcome to another installment of INVICTUS (NOT THE HOSTEL!! - we'll be working on episode 2 of that in the coming weeks!) This blog-video recaps and montages the general experience of the Russia trip. BE SURE THOUGH TO CHECK OUT THE HOSTEL PILOT to see what on earth we were up to for a few days in St. Petersburg...shooting the video and everything. Enjoy the video(s) and have a great week! Say hi to your local deli's meat slicer for me. I miss them always.


Monday, November 2, 2009


Hello all you avid fans of whatever you are avid fans of! today we have a real treat! I'm still pulling together the Russia trip blog post, though in the meantime, here's a bit of humor you might enjoy. While on the trip, the guys decided we would spontaneously shoot a parody of the show "The Office" called "The Hostel." This 27-minute long pilot episode was aired here in Lithuania last night, and by aired i mean, we viewed it as a big group and laughed, cried, ate popcorn and plotted the next two episodes. It was sweeter than a monkey carrying a bunch of bananas covered in chocolate. The sound quality isn't great because we only have point/shoot cameras, but the video quality is half decent. Without further adooooooo in a big blue shoe, please enjoy the magic that is THE HOSTEL!

holy chocolate covered hedgehogs batman!

WHY HELLO DEAR WEB-DISCIPLES!!! and family. and friends. and random people who for some reason who are on this site...we still love you. I'm still working on the upcoming video for last week's trip to the Russian Federation, but may I just say that it was as exciting as Lenin's mustache - Man do they know how to rock those things!!!!! In all seriousness though, it was awesome. I'm really excited to get the blog video together and up here. We also did a parody of NBC's "The Office" and made "The Hostel," which episode 1 should also be online soon (most likely here). In the meantime, enjoy the pics! K-Ruhf out. A-town down/across the ocean (all you people back in A-town, please eat a cheesesteak for me. much appreciated.)