Monday, August 24, 2009


It's hard to believe that our three-day stint in London is already at an end; Yesterday we walked 6 miles or so from Paddington station to the British museum & back, and today we went on a bus tour of the city and saw most of the famous sites like Big Ben, the Tower of London, Tower bridge, etc. ALSO! we discovered that cocacola here is still awesome and has cane sugar (like it did in Guatemala and used to in the US) it was, as Becca put it, "much more refreshing" hmm. yes. Anyways, tomorrow's an early day (we're waking up at 4:30a!) to get to the airport and then get on our flight to Frankfurt, then continue on to Vilnius. In the meantime, though, enjoy the pictures posted here! (I know its only a few but we're gonna run out of internet soon here at the hotel!! yikes!!!) Talk to you soon when we have more time at school! Take it easy, ~Kev

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