Monday, September 21, 2009

Chapter Two:

It's a new chapter, without divulging into too much information as this is a blog about being abroad predominantly though also about growing into the people God wants us to be. As such, it is only fitting that family and friends at home understand that our separation was not malicious and there are no ill-feelings; Becca and I are still talking, joking, laughing, and the like. We just felt like God was calling us in different directions in life - and if he calls us back together then it'll be his grace which has brought that into existence. We're focusing on growth here though each of us is growing in different directions. I still will update on the general happenings of things here at LCC, though please pardon me if they do have a "Kevin" slant as we aren't together so I'm not in the know so to speak of everything which is going on a half hour away from LCC's main campus.

This all being said, it's time for an update:
I'm not quite sure what's been going on at Karklu, but I do know that a bunch of people went to watch the sunset last night on the Baltic beaches. I'm told the sunset really fast, followed by Brad spontaneously breaking out into swing dancing (no surprise).

Here in Neumann, Dan, Sara and I ventured into Klaipeda center on Saturday afternoon and explored the sculpture park which was pretty cool. We've also noticed that Europeans in general enjoy their walkways while North Americans enjoy walking on grass; the three of us have had numerous comments made to us as well as various glances directed at us for walking across the grass. Who would've thought ethnocentrism was even found at the level of walkways (well, my guess is Dr. Hummer would've pointed that out, but's interesting!)

Saturday morning was LCC's intercultural Olympics, where several countries were represented in playing relay-like games similar to the kind you might play at camp or youth group growing up. I think Moldova won, then Ukraine or Lithuania. Becca had been there for the beginning portion of the games, but had to leave for play practice. I filled in with a few other Americans who were spectating in the remaining games; it was fun.

Dan is beating me 4 games to 0 in chess; Roman is beating me 3-2 in pool and has claimed he is the King of billiards. No chance at chess; maybe I can beat Roman one of these days...maybe...

And of course, picture time:

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